Friday, August 26, 2011


first we tedded

then i raked

and raked

and raked some more

first bale of the day

Nina wattering the balers.hope she comes to me

wish i was a cow

im not a bragger

If it lookes like im bragging on my job im not at all.Its not that great infact its kinda over whelming and insanly confusing with like 10 other co-workers

Thursday, August 25, 2011

my ball and cain on wheels

This is my set of hay rakes i run.There abput 20ft lonng and thers two of them hooked to gether so i have to steere the back one with hydrolics while turnin the tractor,the tractors in the back ground are just cutters

my not in hay season job

in the whinter and fall we clear land and pulp log
dead trees are actualy kinda dangeouse to fell couse the limbs can breake off and kill you when it falls

i have a blog so im cool to

most people have pretty litel blogs of there gardens and shiny red tomatos and maby a bee huvering over a peach blossom.Il have pictures of stuff that happens on the 20to30 thousand acre ranch/prison farm i work on,like a tuck that rolled of a cliff or a tractor that burned to the ground,or a picture if my leg that almost got ripped of by a chainsaw